

6 of the Best Birthday Gift Ideas For Three Year Olds

6 of the Best Birthday Gift Ideas For Three Year Olds

Dec 26, 2023

Birthday Gift Ideas

Turning three is a big deal to children. It's an age where they're starting to talk more and become curious about everything around them. They can also answer questions and follow directions.

Your three-year-old had his own personalities and advancing emotionally at this stage. He's real human beings now and can express their feelings. Additionally, he's the one initiating conversations, can create simple sentences, and talk about stuff that interests him. Thus, it's crucial to encourage his interaction with his peers while encouraging his curiosity at the same time.

For these reasons, buying the best gifts for three-year-olds can be a bit tricky. They're too young to tell you what they really want but old enough to inform you if they like a toy or not. During the age of three, your child can play with toys with moving parts, work buttons, wooden blocks with more than six blocks, and role-play toys. He can understand the concept of numbers and counting, climb, run, and ride a bike as well.

When looking for the perfect toy for your child, choose toys that can foster his development. To make your life easier, here's our top pick of the best gift for your toddler.

Ride On Toys

Physically, your toddler can run and walk without tripping as much. He can start throwing and catching a ball, and he can also begin to ride ride-on toys or tricycles. Allowing your child to play outdoors can help him feel energized. Moving is healthy for him, and exercising can help him enhance his physical abilities. Starting with this balance bike will get him riding a regular one in no time.

Mini Scooter

Birthday Gift Ideas

You may also want to consider letting him try a mini-scooter like the Hape Street Surfer Kick Wooden Scooter so that he can get around as quick as you do. Children learn from all the things they do. It presents the benefit of using his bodies and practice different types of movement.

It's also a way for your toddler to take little risks here and there. Not taking even the smallest risks will not allow him to become creative. When kids use their bodies, wonderful things can come out. Additionally, as parents, we want our children to know from the start how fun physical activities are.


Birthday Gift Ideas

Encourage your little one to build together and create new structures using his imagination using blocks. Try Qtoys Natural Wooden Blocks with a set of 34 building blocks of various shapes and sizes. It can serve as your child's training wheels for puzzles and lacing toys. The eco-friendly toy is portable and a fun way to introduce different shapes to your precious angel.

Books and Sling Bookshelf

Birthday Gift Ideas

As your child develops his language abilities, he will be able to start understanding the basic rules of grammar. For instance, your toddler may say mouses instead of mice. Reading books together with your baby can further develop his language skills. On the other hand, picture books like beautiful Hape Baby's Farm Animal Book is a great way to further his visual perception. Encourage literacy while teaching him about responsibility and organization by showing him how to neatly arranging his books in the KidKraft Sling Bookshelf.

Board Games

Birthday Gift Ideas

Wooden board games like the Hape Inlay Board Vehicles Puzzle, which features 10 easy-to-grip pieces of land and air vehicles, are another great tool for kids at this developmental stage. These toys will teach your toddler about the skills of turn-taking, sharing, and how to handle his frustration when he doesn't match the correct vehicle shape to the piece. This gift for three-year-olds is fun, entertaining, and best of all, educational.

Dolls and Stuffed Animals

Birthday Gift Ideas

Kids love dolls and stuffed animals because they can create fantasies around them. Whenever your child pretend-play with dolls such as the KidKraft Doll Family, he's putting himself into someone else's shoes. It's a fantastic way for him to imagine an alternative reality. As a result, he'll be able to grasp abstract ideas, since he will not be locked to the here and now. Getting your little boy a doll is fine because he will be a dad someday. And he should be familiar with babies just like with your little girl.